Caulfield aquatics Olympics check in and motivation tips!

With the Olympic swimming schedule starting on Saturday, we wanted to share the events with you here so you don’t miss a race!  Schedule and Results | Australian Olympic Committee (

Firstly, we would like to wish all of you well in lockdown and hope that you’re staying healthy and motivated. Please take this time to pause and enjoy the Olympics. Hopefully we will be back next week to pursue our own versions of excellence, but until then let us all enjoy and feed off of the performances of the best in the world.

We want to invite all swimmers and their families to join us on Monday 26th July 2021 from 2.00pm-2.30pm via teams to chat about the results so far, motivational tools and upcoming events.

Please ensure no videos are on and we are utilising the chat function only.


Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Join with a video conferencing device

[email protected]

Video Conference ID: 137 817 342 2

Alternate VTC instructions

To keep the motivational conversations flowing Jerome would like to share his first memory of Olympic swimming with you, something that fed the fire and really motivated him in his swimming career.

This moment helped me decide that I really wanted to be a swimmer.

The Sydney Olympics in 2000, I was 11 years old and had been a competitive swimmers since I was around 8, (Started early). Sitting down to watch the swimming finals after dinner on day two of the swimming schedule we had the 4 x 100 freestyle for men, the greatest day for Australian swimming in 37 years. There is a story of trash talk from the American team that I will let you research yourselves. (I didn’t know what it was about at the time) but it makes it all the sweeter now knowing the full story, thanks to the internet. Anyway, watch this race in full 25min video, it still gives me chills. It inspired me and I don’t know how it wouldn’t give you some sort of pride in your country. (Note; Ian Thorpe was 17 years old – anchoring against the best sprinter in the world at the time)


Secondly, If you would wish to participate in a little competition for prize of a bag of lollies, please enter your medal predictions via email to [email protected] before 5PM tomorrow night.

Please enter 2 predications:

  1. Australian total gold medals
  2. First, Second & Third medal tally by country – (you can add number of medals if you would like)

My predications;

Australia – Women; 5, Men; 2 = 7 Gold (Rio we only won 3 Gold)

Medal Tally

1st USA –  10G, 5S, 5B

2nd Australia – 7G, 4S, 6B

3rd Russia – 4G, 4S,2B

Jerome Elliott